What one person can accomplish on their own can be more easily accomplished with a team. Those individuals who attempt to do things by themselves often come to the realization that if they had a team they could go so much further and do so much more. Many great business owners, pastors, and leaders of all kinds started off with a vision and they quickly began to understand that they had the individuals around them that could help turn their vision into a fulfilled mission. A mission cannot be fulfilled unless a team is built on a solid foundation, a clear mission, limited distractions, and a leader who is motivated. It Takes A Team outlines those very things, and more, using biblical strategies and everyday concepts to ensure success. This book will bless you and help you to realize that no matter the mission, It Takes A Team!
It Takes A Team
“Have you ever had an assignment or mission but didn’t know howto bring the right people together to make it happen? Well the answers that youhave been seeking after are contained within these pages. Every Pastor hasa mandated mission from God, and in order to accomplish the mandate the rightteam has to be established. Regardless to how great the mission or vision is,with an ineffective unproductive team, the mission will suffer or fail to becompleted. It is every leaders dream to have a cohesive team that workssuccinctly with them to expand the Kingdom of Heaven. Although leaders knowthat it takes team work to achieve the vision, many fail to understand how toskillfully establish the team. Well Pastors, You now have an answer to yourchallenges and struggles with both establishing and maintaining effectiveministry teams- It Takes a Team. It Takes a Team will guideyou through the foundational development to the accomplishment of a successfuland productive team. The guidelines and principles established in thesepages are critical key steps to building and maintaining both efficient andeffective teams. It’s amazing how the skillsets learned and applied inthis reading will work in any church, business, family or association seekingto accomplish an organizational mission. I recommend It Takes aTeam to every Pastor and ministry leader that has been given a mandate to accomplish a Kingdom Assignment.
”Prophetess Donna D. Ferguson